how did we do

With over 170 years of successful trading, 13,000 employees and presence in 100 countries Bausch was looking for a training provider capable of supporting its core UK development curriculum. To deliver compelling workshops that were joined up, relevant in the rapidly changing ophthalmology space and stimulating for established employees. Our work with Bausch encompassed management development, personal presence, performance coaching and a range of personal effectiveness options.

Having partnered with Will and Kirkstone for a good few years, we've consistently seen high quality delivery and positive feedback from the programmes delivered.  Not only is the delivery top notch, design and tailoring of programmes is also done well.  Will has a great consultative style which really engages participants and has a partnership approach when working with us to ensure he continues to understand and deliver what the business needs.

Eva Lau, Director, Global Talent & Organisational Effectiveness

Kirkstone were invited to propose a solution for a significant training project supporting the European sales teams at Bausch & Lomb. I was impressed with their innovative, insightful and honest approach right from our first conversation - unlike many companies they took time to listen, not just propose a standard course with limited tailoring.

Throughout the training, Kirkstone have remained flexible. They have proactively found ways to add value and continually develop the programme. I have been particularly impressed with the ability of Will Lakeman to translate powerful theoretical models, into everyday useable tools for sales people. For the first time in the history of the training department, we received 100% score from all participants on the level one evaluations. A definite success. 

Nick Pope, European Sales Training Manager

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